Division Memorizer Division Games Math Games手机版下载游戏攻略
Division Memorizer
helps you memorize the 12 x 12 division tables.
General Features
+ Provides interactive lists covering each of the 12 division tables.
+ A practice area to improve accuracy.
+ A timed area to improve speed.
+ Keeps track of overall progress and best times.
+ Supports Leaderboards and Achievements.
There are five general areas:
Division Tables
provides a stress free learning environment. It's a modern take on division flash cards. This area displays the entire division table, a "row" at a time. You can show or hide the answers to any division problem at any time. There are no questions, no time limit, no data tracking.
is where your division memorization is tested. Questions are randomly generated. It's your job to enter the answer digit by digit (there is no multiple choice). The number of correct and incorrect attempts are tracked and saved for each division fact. Incorrect problems are listed at the end of each session and you'll have the option to repeat all the questions, repeat only on the incorrect attempts, or shuffle the questions all together.
Time Trials
is where you put all that practice to the test: How fast can you answer 12 division questions? Compete against yourself or compare your times with friends and people all over the world!
Time Records
keeps track of your top 10 fastest completion times for each division problem set attempted in the Time Trials area. Displays your rank, initials, time, and date for each record. Note: to set a record, you must answer 10 of the 12 questions correctly!
is where you can see how you're doing for each division fact. The result for each fact is displayed as a colored box inside a division chart. The colors range from green to red (with green meaning good and red meaning not-so-good). Pressing a box will show more details for that fact: Number Correct, Total Attempts, Percentage, and Grade.
Look for more division games and features to be added in the future!
This is a free-to-download, ad-supported app.
Thanks for any support.
MATH Domain Development
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