Macrocraft Survival Explore手机版下载游戏攻略
Play a new, exciting, great game with pixel graphics, 3D blocks
and endless peace! Here is "SURVIVAL" and "CREATIVE"
Change the time of day (day, night). In the game you can meet with zombies, monsters, creepers,
skillets, spiders, cows, sheep, chickens, pigs. In the game you will find everything
necessary materials for construction and crafts. If you are hungry, you can hunt animals.
Build your house and save your finds. From the blocks you can build everything: houses, buildings, roads, bridges,
tunnels, amusement parks, dams, ships, cars and so on. Adventure seekers are waiting for new, unforgettable stories !!!
- two modes: "CREATIVE" and "SURVIVAL";
- new graphics;
- much more blocks;
- infinite world maps;
- sunset and sunrise;
- rain, lightning;
- moon and stars;
- eggs of mobs, lighter;
- lava, water;
- better management.
CAPCOM旗下的游戏《怪物猎人 Explore》的繁中版下载量现已突破了20万次,官方决定在游戏中举办特别的活动。
《魔物猎人 EXPLORE》宣布将于 10 月 10 日(三)推出全新双头狩猎战,陆地王者「角龙」与能够使用浑吨黑暗之力的「黑蚀龙」双双袭来,引爆全新的梦魇。营运团队也号召菁英战力回归,凡于 9 月 9 日后没有登入的猎人们,只要登入就能获得六星武器,还有机会抽中「1000 狩玉」。而为了回馈支持长期以来支持《魔物猎人 EXPLORE》的猎人们,一样也有推出系列活动发送狩玉,详情可参考以下介绍。 ...
《魔物猎人 EXPLORE》宣佈将于 9 月 9 日起与同为 CAPCOM 出品的知名动作游戏《战国 BASARA》再度联手,推出联名套装与武器,分别为首波主打的「伊达政宗」造型装备,以及紧接著在 9 月 14 日现身的「真田幸村」造型套装,并搭配每日完成任务免费拿狩玉的活动,让玩家化身猛将在魔物猎人的世界斩妖除魔。