Needy Girls Daily Activity手机版下载游戏攻略
Here is a game of out-of-work person, who work to meet their needs. A rich set of activities along with workers dress-up game gives perfect worker tone to this needy girl.
In this girls game you have to help needy girl to comply with work. And feed her when work has been completed. Here you will have to get clothes from the rented shop for that work. Then you have to go for work in the city. Then you have to find work for the worker cloth that you had taken. After successful complete that work you will get bonus and earning as per level. And that Coin you will expense behind feed her and rent next job worker cloth from dress up game. In a single activity there will be many variations as per your levels. As levels goes up then you have to perform more activity. This way you have to go on work adventure.
Activity Includes:
- Worker Cloth Rental Shop: Here is a girl dress up with the set of dresses for girl. Choose different worker cloths as per your working level.
- Dish Washer: Dish washing games for girls home and kitchen cleanup, At stating level this needy girl have to work as a Dish Washer and wash plates, bowls, spoon, knife, glass, etc. a complete dine set.
- House Cleaning: Keep your house clean, In this girls home cleanup game, you need to help princess house cleanup for girls to keep home clean with different activities for dustbin, Put things on right place, Spider net remover, dirt on wall by sponge and dirt from floor by mop, etc.
- Vehicle Cleaning: Cleanup vehicles in wash salon with Liquid, water, towel and shiner to shine car and all. Your level decides what you have to clean : Cycle, Scooter, Bike, Small Car, and Car.
- Packers/Packager: Work for Packing company and work as packers with activities like box capping, taping, gift wrapper, bowing for gift decoration, glue sticker to write the name of gift giver.
- Delivery Service: Do you love driving, work as a delivery boy and deliver gifts as popup shows on any house in map
- Taxi Driver: Become Mr. Driver and have fun with this amazing driving game. Love to play game on swipe like road fighter and collect fuel as fuel getting low and save car from road barrier .
- Cafeteria Attendant: Shop keeper’s work is fast deliver inside a shop. This job is like shopping market or shopping mall where you have to remind every single item and where it placed so that you can deliver faster.
- Hair Stylist: Become a pop fashion star hair stylist with this hair salon who is knows hair styles such as superstar, prom queen, wedding, braided, etc. to make customer happy.
- Cosmetologist: Perform job in spa game for girls and make you customer happy with different spa treatment for princess, rich girl, bridal, ice queen, celebrity, etc.
- Hair Artist: A perfect job for girl in this hair do design game that design fashion doll hair makeover, fashion girl hair art, etc.
- Makeup Artist: Beautician is most likely for girls who glows you like charm and cute beauty salon for girls.
- Food Preparation Worker: In restaurant game cutting food before bake is most important job. Because fruit cutting and veggies cutting gives a perfect look to any dish.
- Food Cooking: In this cooking fever and cooking madness game you have to bake items like noodles, variety of pastas, and spicy rice bowl and serve to customer.
- Food Garnisher Worker: Any types of food can not looks delicious without perfect decoration. Garnish perfect food plate as per requirement that looks testy and mouth watering.
* Enjoy and Leave a comment for suggestion.
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