Crush Block Tower手机版下载游戏攻略
"Crush Block Tower" is a game where you tap and crush the stacked blocks, so that let the top polygon block drop safely to the floor.
Tap the block boxes at the appropriate timing to blast them.
Let the top polygon block roll down to the floor safety zone.
The block boxes are like mines, which will be destroyed when you tap on them.
Be careful that the polygon block does not fall sideways when the tower starts to wobble.
If the polygon block falls sideways or leaves the safety zone before it reaches the bottom, the game is over.
关于 增益塔 增强塔其实呢就是一个buff性质的道具吧,我们只有一个射击塔,之所以这样是为的希望大家能够充分利用buff塔来进行玩法的搭配,当然现在的玩法肯定也有许...
《Tower Dash》是今天上架的一款休闲小游戏,画面走节约休闲扁平化风格,甚至没有太多背景音效的它看上去十分朴素,玩法实际上也没有什么新意,通过点击屏幕来让小人左右跳跃,虽然实际上跑出绳索去拉动自己和“跳跃”有着些许区别,不过总体玩法和《Flappy Bird》《旋转直升机 Swing Copters》没有太大区别。
同所有免费休闲小游戏一样,《Tower Dash》也有着它的内购设...
Narcade Teknoloji 本周给我们带来了新作《Slidey: Block Puzzle》,这款游戏乍一看是消除类作品,不过在玩法设计上融入了《俄罗斯方块》的理念,在这里你需要发挥自己的才智不断地完成挑战,保证方块全部收入囊中。