Water Like the real thing手机版下载游戏攻略
◆◇◆ kids free educational apps ◆◇◆
The "Water" app, through the water colorful to the movement, such as the real water, it is an educational app free to nurture a rich imagination!
◆◇◆ How to play ◆◇◆
▽ Touch the water flowing!!
If you touch the water flowing, it scattering to popping.
▽ Let's make the water!!
By pressing the button on the second from the right, a water flow automatically or a water flow manually, you can switch. Automatically when a hand mark is displayed, manually when the water mark is displayed, you can flow the water.
If you are a water flow manually, when sliding the finger by touching the screen, you will fall water is made.
▽ Let's switch the stage!!
By pressing the button on the far right, you can switch the stage. Stage that are available are the following.
- Water flows like a waterfall
- Water falls like rain
- Water such as the figure falls
There are three types, it will switch to random.
▽ Let's tilting the device!!
This app will detect the tilt of the device. Tilt around the device, let's observe the movement of the flow of the water!
▽ Try to remove the water!!
By pressing the button on the second from the left, all the water that is displayed on the screen, you can erase.
◆◇◆ Review ◆◇◆
Opinions as a parent, please tell us by in review!!
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