Venom Hero Craft Run手机版下载游戏攻略
Play surf subway surf, run jump and play with hero run into the storm. See Jasper and Jello to jog tracking and jumping spider subway kids. Surf with venom super craft and many boys heroes. This subway hero game is retro 8-bit like 80's superhero games. You have to rush through subway and run-jump over the obstacle to get more and more coins. Not only bag boy lover boy like, suft with subway girl and kids like Breccia and coureur. More kids hero you can choose for running funny and many unsung heroes. Surprise about shopping cart hero too.
- Run jump and play with Venom and subway kids
- Endless running game to get coins to exchange for higher ability subway girl or boys heroes
- Real addicted with many special items and Venom surf super craft unsung heroes
How to:
- Start the game. Swipe screen to control the direction of hero run
- Do not hit any obstacle unless the game stop. Yon can get back to home or restart the subway rush surf
- Keep on the surf run and get more coins to buy more heroes and special items from shop
It is recommended to keep focus on swiping and direction control. Everything happens very fast. Jump in to the storm and use spider jump to avoid crashing. This game is good for every age and real addicted. You can play it at any time you like while on the train or bus. Collect the coins to buy new hero with higher ability and jog tracking. Fun to run and running funny. This game is free to download and play without any limit. For more feedback, it would be our encourage to get them via email.
(一) 功能简述
Ø 竞技场是通过玩家与玩家之间均通过离线战斗来验证当前实力的功能。
Ø 玩家点击可挑战目标的头像,对目标玩家进行挑战。
Ø 点击换一批,刷新筛选玩家,点击立即重置,晶石消除CD时间,点击购买次数,消耗晶石购买新的次数
Ø 匹配模式:末尾淘汰打榜规则,胜利者与失败者互换排行榜位置;
Ø 战斗方式:双方AI控制战斗;
Ø 奖励:排行榜排名发放奖励。
(二) 竞技场战斗规...
Ø 背包有装备、碎片、道具、图鉴4个分类
Ø 通过系统奖励或掉落的物品都会在装备、碎片、道具这三个分类中。
Ø 点开背包下的装备图标,点开后就可以清楚的看到自己所拥有的成品装备、装备按照当前星级分布在各个星级列表下
Ø 在当前界面上可以给满足升星条件的装备操作升星
Ø 升星条件为:两件同星级的相同装备可以合成更高星级的装备。