Circle Fire手机版下载游戏攻略
Hello arcade game lovers, play new ball shoot game with firing dropping circles to get best score in Circle Fire.
In this ball game, circles of different size and color are dropping from top, shoot circles till its size reduce to zero and disappear. This ball games is really addictive and relaxing, to score high you need to shoot as many balls before any of touch to bottom of screen.
Don't miss any bubbles dropping from top. Hit all bubbles, bubble shooter is colorful with amazing sounds, you will surely love to play bubble games. Great thing about ball shoot game is that it have amazing powers like bomb, lasers, 2x, 3x and 5x direction shooting powers.
Put your strategy in best way to shoot bubbles to get highest score and compete with friends and family. Earn coins when you shoot balls, use this coins to update your powers to get more score in this relaxing arcade bubble game.
Download and enjoy playing circle fire!
《Free Fire - 我要活下去》今日(19)改版,全新英雄豪门千金「卡洛琳」登场,喜爱 Cosplay 的「卡洛琳」将以超萌的萝莉造型与玩家见面,特殊技能为持霰弹枪后移动速度提升,生存能力不容小觑。同时推出全新表情系统,玩家可选择「拍手」和「哈萝」与其他玩家互动,游玩更具趣味性,营运团队特别推出台湾独家限时活动,即日起 ~ 10/21(日)登入就送挥手「哈萝」表情符号。
游戏简介:射击游戏《浴火银河 3:狮兽》的故事发生在一个太空边缘地区Neox Sector,这里属于无人管辖的灰色地带,被无法无天的军阀和贪婪的佣兵所占领,玩家在游戏中扮演一名战斗机飞行员,要将这个地方的暴君消灭,成为最强的赏金猎人。
Garena 旗下《Free Fire - 我要活下去》即日起推出全新「绝命尬车」模式,两人组队全程以赛车交火的对战玩法,尝试带给玩家更紧张刺激的吃鸡体验。同步介绍新角色赛车女王「米莎」,俏丽甜美的她对赛车有着无比的执着与潜力,在驾驶速度上有加成效果,欢迎所有玩家和她在「绝命尬车」模式中逃出生天。而本次改版也增加许多新功能以及新武器。
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