Bow and Apple手机版下载游戏攻略
Apple shoot is a 2D shooting game.In this game you can shoot apples with arrow by using bow.And you can play until the arrows are completed.
This is the addictive game.Anyone can play this game.When the arrow hit apple then the apple splashes into pieces.
Audio is also good for this game while dragging the arrow and when the apple splashes.Graphics are more attractive.
First u have drag the arrow and aim to an apple and then you release the arrow.
When the arrow hit the apple then your score will be noticed at top.
The apple position changes randomly when you hit the apple.
When you fail to hit apple by arrows then game is over and the result score is displayed on screen.
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《机动骑士》技术测试期间每天登陆游戏领取登陆奖励,并且将领取登陆奖励页面截图,在《机动骑士》论坛发主题贴,客服第二天客服会对前一天参加活动的用户随机抽取50%的用户进行奖励,最终在满登陆玩家中抽取5名获得50元充值卡奖励,在满登陆玩家中抽取1名获得终极奖励—apple watch!
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《阿尔托的冒险》的开发商Snowman昨晚公布了他们的下一部作品,这款叫做《遥远》(Distant)的游戏新作将会登陆Apple TV等多平台。