Mister K the Tile手机版下载游戏攻略
This is a game where you have a table with some tiles, every tiles is a letter. You have to touch a tile to move it where you want: up, down, right, or left. The letter will move up to the end of the game table, or alternatively up to another letter.
The aim of the game is to mash identical letters to obtain a new one: A + A -> B, B + B -> C and so on. You win when a K appears, also called Mr. K! But be careful: each time you move a tile, a new one will appear, but you can't tell where or which it will be.
If there's no more available combination, the game is over.
You can select the game table size, starting from 2 x 2 to 5 x 5. Moreover, you can see your statistics every time you want, to check the record for every game size.
Finally, there is a section where you can meet the tiles. Indeed, every tile has a specific character. Discover them all!
Have fun!
K'(K DASH)是 KOF拳皇大赛系列中NR篇登场的男主角,此外番。K'是地魔PNU组织的改造战士,拥有鬼噬魂,七伤拳等战术。为了寻找失去的记忆叛离组织。击败了扎里德大校。...
关注《唱舞团》的各位唱舞达人们一定都知道,《唱舞团》的核心玩法分为“K歌玩法”和“魅舞玩法”,其中“K歌玩法”更是一大亮点,目前大热的一些舞蹈类游戏都木有哦!国庆长假不出门也可以体验KTV有木有!那么,《唱舞团》的K歌模式到底怎么玩?快来看看小爱为你们带来的爆料教学(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ !