Alien Age Platformer手机版下载游戏攻略
Take your Alien through the adventures of various surprising obstacles scattered around in different Levels.
Keep your Laser Gun filled and watch out for your Time and Health.
Alien Age is a 2D Platform game which will bring back your experiences of Action | Adventure | Arcade | Retro and many other Genres in a single Platform game.
Alien Age has been designed keeping in mind the interest of people from all age group.
As you progress in Alien Age, some levels will be unlocked using the Gold Coins that you will collect during your game play and others will be unlocked using the Alien Coins which you can earn through the Level Manager.
Weapon that your Alien has is optimized with laser logic and when triggered is launched as a laser ball.
So get yourself absorbed in this Alien Adventure along with your laser guns to become one of the alien to conquer all the challenges.
The Game is offering following Levels at the moment.
- Cactus Level
- Wood Level
- Snow Level
- Cloud Level
- Lava Level
- Desert Level
- Cutters Level
- Underwater Level
- Rope Level
- Bouncy Level
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