团队可以通过篮下投篮得分的射门被反对派小组定时播放过程中卫冕。射门得分三点射击队如果玩家从三分线后面拍摄的,如果从线前出手两分。一个团队也可以通过罚球,这是一分得分,其他球队与某些犯规后评估。与在游戏结束时积分最高的球队获胜,但是当比分在常规时间结束前追平更多的时间(加班)的任务。球可以在球场上通过将其传递给队友,或弹跳它,而走路或跑步(运球)前进。这是一个解除违规,或拖,不运球一个人的支撑脚,随身携带,或持球用双手再恢复运球。we are super excited to announce our new product based on revolutionary technology what we call augmented reality.So come experience basketball in a whole new way in the real world and be a part of revolutionary technology.
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soon we will make this app open source link will be provided in the description below so you guys can contribute to making this revolutionary technology more interesting.