WinWelli(meaning space in Tamil) is a casual game from future.
It is year 2140(Memes have become only mode of communication and Heath Ledger is still the best joker ever). Humans have colonized Mars and other habitable planets(many thanks to Elon Musk) and joined forces with native habitants and formed "THE FEDERATION", an organization to preserve peace among the planet. You are the head of this organization and captain of a spaceship named "WINWELLI" working to enforce the common regulation for peace keeping.
But, not all species have accepted to abide by the law. There are species from a planet located for most northern region of Milky-way Galaxies. They are called the intruders.
(The reason we are put up to this situation is because during colonization we got carried away and entered and messed up a wrong planet. The habitants in those planets hates to socialize and are always angry. So, basically software developers who are angry)
So, being the savior, you went on war with them and won and captured all of them. But, due to some system failure, they breached your ship and started attacking all your forces and the situation has become worse. Your mission is to save all your crew members who are sill alive and eject them out of the spaceship through escape capsules before the spaceship blasts leaving the intruders to die. During the game time, some capsules would have intruders also. Don't eject them by mistake. Once ejected they would destroy the saved crew members. Also, try ejecting the same species groups as continuous as possible and increase their chances of surviving.