Office Tossing玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Office Tossing is a turn based strategy game, involving office supplies you can throw them at each other, but be careful not to get in trouble otherwise it could change the outcome of the winner.
Earn paperclips by hitting your opponent with weapons like a paper ball, paper plane, coffee mug, and even a file cabinet. Use the store to spend your hard earned paperclips on awesome office Supplies that can do serious damage.
Show your skills in Office Tossing and beat your friends.
● Play against the computer in single player mode
● Play Against the world with network play, leaderboards and Facebook connectivity
● Play locally with Pass N Play mode
● Earn paperclips by playing single player and online
● Earn achievements and gain golden Paperclips to buy new weapon packs
● Interactive tutorial
● Interactive title screen
办公室任务攻略,下面就为大家详细讲解The Office Quest通关图文攻略,希望这篇通关攻略对有在玩这款游戏的小伙伴们有所帮助。
游戏简介:The Office Quest《办公室任务》是一款趣味无穷的娱乐休闲游戏,一直尽心尽力为公司工作你,不但没有加薪反而被老板降职,于心不甘的你决定报复公司,反正玩玩也没事,在老板眼皮底下开溜,去外面住找点乐趣吧!
The Office Quest《办...
办公室的任务(The Office Quest)中文版是一款冒险解谜类手机游戏。游戏中,玩家将扮演一名不愿意呆在办公室的上班族,游戏的宗旨是从办公室逃离,但在工作中,离开办公室是不行的,这时候,就需要玩家奇思妙想,如何创造契机,支开主管和老板,逃离办公室。
The Office Quest游戏简介:
《Office Quest》 是一款为了不想继续待在办公室的各位所设计的点击冒险游戏!
游戏简介:Smashy Office《无止尽的破坏》是由Tuokio Inc.推出的一款趣味发泄类的小游戏。游戏中我们可以不计后果的砸掉办公室的所有东西,包括机器人警卫。无尽的毁灭、捣毁办公室、躲避障碍物、获得升级。游戏画面精致,玩法上面也是极具趣味,不管生活中你是多么的不堪,在这里你可以尽情的发泄出心中的各种负面情绪。然后收拾好心情,重新积极正面地面对身边人!压力太大的童鞋们不妨试试。