Polyline War of XGoJoy (PolylineWar)玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
When the world collapsed...
And the darkness is over the world...
When magic become unique power...
And we become heroes...
(Polyline War)
PolylineWar is a heroic story, and in this story you will become a hero to save the world. You have to fight against the darkness, defeat the evil dragon (Offline World) and continue your adventure with your friends in Online World.
From the starting point of my idea, I want to build this game for my children, so this game will be very cute. It is same as connecting card game, jigsaw, candy, animal, diamond,...
I hope that all of you and all children over the world will be received exciting
time and funny with my game.
My notes:
1. Your skill is always number one. Rival's money and level cannot defeat your skill.
2. You can play this game on all of platforms: all PCs (Desktop, Laptop), all Mobile devices,... (Visit PolylineWar.net to download them for other platforms).
3. And finally: do not play game more than 2 hours, it will harm to your health.
Thanks for your attention :)
xgojoy, polyline, war, PolylineWar, poly, line, connect, card, game, animal, diamond, candy, jigsaw
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