Animals quiz: Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Fishes玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Are you a fan of animal kingdom, wild animals, mammals, birds, reptiles & fishes? Great! Then play the animal & mammals, reptiles, fishes & birds quiz by guessing your favorite animals from all categories in this guess the animals trivia game quiz game. Guess the animal kingdom mammals, reptiles, fishes & birds in different levels. Learn and enhance your knowledge by playing the game for all the famous animals, reptiles, birds, fishes and many more and beat the best scores.
The animal trivia game is designed for all kind of wild animal fans with informative quiz game Animals quiz: Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, and Fishes. Select your level to play the different categories of animals in mammals, reptiles, fishes & birds and random mode with time base challenges.
The game is an IQ test of animals for all famous animal kinds from around the world. Play and challenge your friends and family for the high scores with easy to use game interface. This is completely offline animals trivia game with no need of Wifi or internet to play the game. The animal quiz is easy way to test and learn new knowledge of famous animals. The game will challenge you to guess the animals from across the world with all actor categories like: mammals, reptiles, fishes, birds and one random mode to guess all the famous animals.
The free guess the animal trivia game is easy way to learn the knowledge of famous animals in different animals quiz trivia level modes. Learn new animals & actresses that you have never heard or known before. Test your information by playing the quiz trivia game and challenge your family and friends by sharing your top scores.
Guess the animals game trivia game features:
1. All famous animals and their different kinds
2. 50 plus famous Reptiles
3. 50 plus famous Mammals
4. 50 plus famous Fishes
5. 50 plus famous Birds
6. Random mode to play all the famous animals in one go
7. Make best scores and share with family and friends on any social media
8. Fast & Easy user interface
9. No need of internet or Wi-Fi to play the game
Play this exciting & challenging famous animal quiz trivia game with all the major animal categories across the globe. Lions, tigers, whales, sharks, eagles, parrots, wolves, dogs and much more! A very information game for kids as well to increase the science knowledge for your children.
Please let us know for any further improvements and additions you may like us to modify in our animals trivia game. Your feedback and suggestions will help us improve our games. Play Guess the Animals quiz: Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, and Fishes and enhance your animal kingdom IQ and knowledge.
此前我们报导过由芬兰游戏开发商Rovio授权韩国游戏开发商NHN Studio629制作的社交冒险手游《愤怒的小鸟:神秘岛》的消息,现在该作已经基本开发完毕,NHN Studio629宣布《Angry Birds Islands》(台湾译名:愤怒鸟:鸟猪联盟战神秘岛)的事前登录活动今日开始,游戏预计将于2017年上半年推出。
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随着科技时代的发展,游戏的类型也是越来越多样,从一些摸不着头脑的游戏如今的司空见怪、见怪不怪。别人问一个问题,人们自然回想回答,即使自己不知道也会想知道答案,这种好奇心以及好胜心勾起的是玩家们内心最真实的欲望。而根据玩家们对于这样的心理活动,有一类游戏就比价有趣,那就是简单但却不容易的问答类型的游戏。问答游戏从之前的简单回答个问题到今天的添加到了RPG和故事情节在其中,《Quiz Magic Ac...
Angry Birds Go!之前频频亮相挑逗大家的神经,可就是不揭开自己的神秘面纱。今天,游戏的玩法正式曝光了!可以看到,这是一款欢乐十足的卡丁车游戏,我们喜欢的几只愤怒的小鸟摇身一变成了车手。除了类型丰富的卡丁车,还有各种有趣的加速道具,你还可以尽情定制自己喜欢的卡丁车。
游戏将于12月11日发行,登陆iOS、Android和Windows Phone平台。...
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Animals quiz: Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Fishes玩不了怎么办,建议重启下手机。若还无法使用就有可能是安装程序出问题了,需要你卸载游戏,在九游重新下载符合你机型的版本,再进行安装。其实不会很免费,只要在九游门户首页搜索Animals quiz: Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Fishes进入专区点击适合你手机型号的版本下载按钮下载就好了