Challenge my memory玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Challenge my memory game is one of the best new games for android in 2019 ,it helps you test your memory & mind very well & strengthen them .You have 3 playing mode : easy ,medium & hard ,just choose one level and try to test your memory strength & find the pair by remembering any picture you find firstly then find the same picture again to collect 1 point .try to collect all points in every level in the minimum possible time you can so that you prove you are the king of puzzles & arcade games .
there are three playing mode : colors ,letters and numbers ,in which mode you have six level passing from beginners to masters players ,try to finish every level of any mode in the shortest time you can to pass to the other level which will be very hard than the first one .
if you continue to play challenge my memory game every day ,especially the masters levels for a month ,you shall notice that your observation & memory competences have been upgraded so good.
for more information just contact us at mon.17@netc or visit our website .
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