Family Farm Life玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Welcome to Family farm life; an incredible farming stimulation game right on your smart phone!
When joining the game, you will become a real farmer who own an entire island. Your are the only boss there.
You can do cropping, breeding, building, more and more….. Use your imagination to build a Big Farm on a very beautiful island.
Some features of the game:
+ More than 22 crops, flowers, more and more: rices, corns, potatoes, sugar canes, roses, lavenders, stawberries, mulberries, water mellons, carrots, purple cabbage, cucumbers, peanuts, etc….
+ There are various of poultries, cattles: chickens, hens, kobe cows, Dutch cow, boars, etc…
+ Factories include: bakery, barbecue oven , milk factory, etc…. with various way to combine ingredients.
+ Also, there are a lot of decorations: bikes, motor bikes, trucks, ferris, elbow chairs, lamps, pots, etc…
+ The order system is endless for you to earn money.
+ Free daily gifts ready for you.
本人上10本已有数月,在两个爸爸塔3级以后通过不下5个阵型,常年混在水晶杯。 想必大家了解 水晶杯 如果大本外置,且家中资源不足以诱敌深入的话,是很少有真打你的,除非。。。除非是一个奇葩。所以呢,检验阵型的机会可以说是比较少的。
今天跟大家分享一个10本日常farm的阵型。 也许有人看过或正在使用,那您就默默关闭网页就称啦。希望对没看过 没用过的同学有帮助,保护家中资源。...
阵型一: 十本护资源阵,大本靠外置