Tracing And Learning Alphabets - Abc Writing玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Entertaining Education with Abc Tracing and Learning Alphabet for kids Game it is an educational game for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten age kids.
Kids ABC Alphabet tracing app for kids is for learning to trace Alphabets from A to Z very easily with funny sound and interactive graphics.Your child will develop the fine motor control needed for Kindergarten while also learning to recognize each letter and it's sound!
Learn the alphabets with fun alphablocks! Fun for children to write abc. Learn to trace and recognize handwriting letters, and their sounds. Your child can learn English and the English alphabet simply by playing this app.
How to Learn :
- Simplest way to learn to write abcd, tracing worksheets
- select category from Small case alphabet , Capital case alphabet.
- Hand with pointer fingure symbol will guide and show direct to draw.
- Touch and draw the line through dots.
- Smooth Letters Tracing and Filling
- A-Z Complete Letters
- a-z Complete Letters
- Tracing Helper (Hint)
- Trace uppercase/lowercase alphabets.
- Interactive alphabet phonics sounds.
- Sound Effects
- Colorful graphics and animation of alphabets.
- Learn ABC letter For Preschool Kid.
-Kids letters tracing
Download this for free! Enjoy this best new 2018 cursives alphabets tracing game. Have a nice day!
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阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)被国内推理小说粉丝们亲切的称为“阿婆”,她是20世纪英国推理小说的代表人物之一,主要代表作有《东方快车谋杀案》,《无人生还》等。而与此同时,身为“暴风雪山庄”(又称孤岛流派)流派侦探小说创始人的她,也用一生之中的80多部作品,深深地影响了现代推理小说作者们的创作。
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