Labuleta: The Love Letter玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
This is our first game!
Labuleta: The Love Letter is my first 2D Games that i create and build inspirated from women, i mean a kind of love things in life, and how the old days when we sending our love letter or labuleta to our spouse or to peoples we love. This is amazing how this thing could affect our life, i mean love is everything right, but yah you know what i mean, but sometimes is also suck. Hahah
Labuleta is adaptation from Japanesse language but the original is Love Letter; it because in Japanesse language call LabuLeta because their tongue is hard to spell R so its LabuLeta. lol
In this game you play as a Winged Love Letters who fly trough a lot of lips or i said as lips tower. You must be careful to not touch the lips or whole tower lips because it poison and of course you dont want to be poisoned. And dont falling because you will die as soon as you falling too. lol
You can download Labuleta: The Love Letter in Google PlayStore, for now Labuleta available for android device, and android support device. Will avalibale for iOS soon. Labuleta sceduled to realease on 31 December 2018 / 1 January 2019, the reason is because it a new start to begin and i hope my first game will be rock like the new year, i mean i hope more for a new beginning for new years for this games.
How to play:
To play Labuleta The Love Letter is simply just tap to move the love letter to gain scores trough between both of the tower lips. Becarefull not to touch the ltower lips because the tower n hir lips is poisone, and of course dont falling before you reach 1000 scores.
Email developer if you reach 1000 scores with your testimony it will
be awesome!.
这个世界上有很多游戏,男生和女生都能玩。那么这个世界上有些游戏,有没有只有男生能玩,女生玩不了的呢?据我所知好像……女生们勉强勉强都可以玩一些男生的专属游戏。但是这个世界上一定存在一些游戏,只有女生能玩,男生玩不了的。那就是今天要介绍的这款作品——《I Love Hue》(我所爱的色调)。
《Love Live! 学园偶像祭》夏日祭活动(第一弹)
盛夏来临, 《Love Live!学园偶像祭》为了感谢各位玩家的支持,开启夏日祭盛典,叫上小伙伴与音乐一同狂欢吧。
活动一:连续3个月? 赠送人气服装UR卡! 特别登录奖励
活动时间:2017/7/12 00:00 ~ 2017/8/11 24:00
除通常的登录奖励外,可额外获得 爱心 1个
一转眼,2017年的新年钟声即将敲响,感谢所有中国玩家对于《Love Live!学园偶像祭》简体版的支持,自开服以来,我们也感受到了玩家们对于游戏的热爱之情,在辞旧迎新的时刻,盛大游戏《Love Live!学园偶像祭》为中国玩家带来丰富的活动和好礼,预祝大家新年快乐!