Qbuzz - Live Trivia Game Show (Beta)玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Qbuzz is the first ever live trivia game show in BANGLADESH that will pay you REAL CASH every time you win!
Feel the rush of playing in real-time as you race to get the right answers within 10 seconds.
Easy to play, Answer 12 questions and win cash:
Here how it works:
1. Download Qbuzz - Live Trivia Game Show
2. Signup using your Mobile number or via Facebook.
3. Enter your username, select an avatar/image & get ready for an exciting experience.
4. Once game starts, The Host asks you twelve easy questions. If you answer all of them correctly you WIN real cash.
5. Don't worry if you answer wrong, you can always use a life. Refer your friends & family and earn lives.
Learn to Earn, learn for entertainment.
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