Alien Earth Protector Ben Fighting玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Alien Earth Protector Ben Fighting game the different heroes of protector of earth war and cosmic destruction against villains. Start a real 3d action adventure in different mission’s extreme alien ultimate battle and the vilgax attacks force battle.
In the first start of the omnitrix mission you have to save force battle and 10 transformations with earth protector of 10 forms, call back four arms and the diamondhead to power up your energy and scrape more items within the action battles of ultimate alien force war, then just a few steps you can take more stages and achieve more levels as you can play them with heatblast in the ultimate cosmic destruction.
Play Instructions:
- Complete more achievements to unlock more than 16 characters of vilgax attack the ten transformations of the hero alien fighter.
- Rescue missions while exploring the map discovering all the new aliens of extreme alien ultimate battle.
- Squad up with your team collects the more possible of equipment to begin as a super ben cosmic destruction alien ultimate saving humans from villains.
- Do not jump over and over while playing the mission of five alien forms you have just to equip weapons with your hero and start fighting cosmic destruction.
Play Features:
- More than omnitrix war alien force vilgax attack in the game
- Fighting standing five alien forms
- The extreme alien ultimate battle of multi stages and missions of 10 forms and vilgax attack
- Easy controller touch pad as consoles
- High resolution graphics and amazing 3D graphics
- Battles war game music no copyright sounds effects
- Multi missions to challenge against monsters
- Easy game saving and loading function
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ARIKA 于 6 月 1 日宣布,PS4 对战格斗游戏《Fighting EX Layer》确定将于 6 月 28 日全球同步推出 ,并正式开设官方网站,公布全 13 名角色的介绍以及对战示范影片,供玩家参考。
《Fighting EX Layer》是由一手催生经典格斗游戏《快打旋风 2》的创作者 “西谷亮” 所领军制作的《EX》系列格斗游戏新作。承袭《EX》系列一贯的独特格斗手感,并导入...
ARIKA 在昨(26)日举办的直播节目中宣布,开发中的 PS4 对战格斗游戏《Fighting EX Layer》确定将于 6 月底全球同步推出 ,同时新公布了 3 名登场角色的资讯,供玩家参考。
《Fighting EX Layer》由曾经手制作《街霸 EX》系列的 ARIKA 制作的《EX》系列格斗游戏新作。承袭《EX》系列一贯的独特格斗手感,并导入崭新的「强气-Gougi-」牌组系统...