Soy Chat Luna With You Simulation玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Try a Live chat With Soy Luna App for simulating chat conversations. Having fun with friends making them believe you already chatting Soy Luna.
Prank – try a Live Chat With Soy Luna
Are you Soy Luna’s fan? Then this app is the perfect suited for all Soy Luna’s fans. This prank app allows you to do a simulated chat and also pushes you to talk to Soy Luna.
This app is a joke app that let you to make prank to your friends who like Soy Luna that you are chatting with Soy Luna.
Prank -Live Chat With Soy Luna
This app is made for Soy Luna’s fans, and it’s not an official one. The content in this app is not affiliated with or approved by any company. This app is mainly for entertainment.
Live Chat With Soy Luna.
已经记不了是何时相识。只是记得纪笙一年到头都穿一件蓝色的麻布衣服。 然后不定一个一个多起来。 再后来衣服由蓝色渐渐洗成了浅灰色。
在私塾了。年枝的小伙伴们摇头晃脑的背诵着一篇课文。 而纪笙总是在高高的围墙外面竖着耳朵听。口里也跟着念。 有时候年枝会悄悄的从课堂上溜出来。就能看见纪笙呆呆的望着天。嘴唇一动一动的模样。