Killer Bots玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Killer bots is a dice rolling game where you must kill enemy bots while avoiding EMP grenades.
The first player to reach 20 or more bot kills can activate the last round and then everyone else gets one more round to try and beat that score!
It is a game for 1 to 12 players and everyone plays on the same device so do not worry if your friend does not use a android device!
There are 5 dice types in the game
Very easy dice (4 in the dice pool)
Easy dice (5 in the dice pool)
Medium dice (4 in the dice pool)
Hard dice (4 in the dice pool)
very hard dice (3 in the dice pool)
20 in the dice pool all together
Each dice as 3 symbols
kill bot
EMP grenade
Depending on the dice level depends on how many of each symbol is on that dice!
At the start of each round a player as 0 potential score and 0 EMP hits, they must roll and try to get bot kills while staying below 5 EMP hits. If the player gets 5 EMP hits their turn is over for now and they score 0. If they pass after gaining some bot kills they bank that score and it gets added to their total score.
The game contains a full rules section that as examples of how to play and all the rules you will need to know for that game. It is worth reading this before you play the game or play a single player game so you can see how it all works.
If you fully exit the app all data is lost and you must start again.
《Contract Killer》系列最新作《杀手:狙击生死线》近日已经正式登陆了双平台,官方指出本次的新作收录多种玩法,玩家必须化身为职业杀手,透过狙击镜瞄准敌方来完成各种指派任务,是考验操作者技术的一款射击游戏。
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由韩国游戏开发商Kakao推出的FPS手游《Wanted Killer》的上架日期预定在4月18日在iOS/Android双平台上推出,游戏将采用下载免费道具收费的模式。
《Wanted Killer》由韩国知名手游开发商nChant Interactive所开发,将大型机台射击游戏爽快感原封不动搬移到手机平台上完整重现的手机射击动作游戏。游戏采用了隐藏、射击这样简单直觉的操作玩法,与全...