Stickman Tap Money Tycoon玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
The best time killer among other stickman games! You are easily killing time, playing this game!
Key features:
★ Amazing tricks in the style of stickman dismount games
★ HD graphics
★ Several story lines, where anyone might be killing the stickman
★ Unique sound-track
★ One of the best hard-core game plays among all stickman games
★ Characters from stickman dismount games
Make the stickman the richest on the planet!
Crazy clicker with the Stickman in the lead role! You have an endless bundle of dollars, which you are throwing into the Stickman. For the money, he can buy different goodies, show tricks, dance; the Stickman might become a mafia boss, killing anyone out of favor or an entertainer - anything for your money! Spare no effort, keep throwing the notes from the bundle and remember – it depends only on you if the Stickman is going to be a millionaire or a beggar.
Forget all stickman games you played before, install a new clicker Stickman money and the happiness will come!
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