Farm Cleaning Animal玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
If you ever wondered how is like to be a farmer or what it takes to keep the stables all cleaned up, you should definitely play this awesome animal game where your abilities to adapt in different situations are tested Farm Cleaning Animal
You were assigned to take care of three totally common animals that you might find in a farm, but you will be able to see and learn the work behind the scenes where the animals don't look so pretty anymore and they are actually your direct responsibility Farm Cleaning Animal
As you've already saw from the beginning there are exactly three animals you will be taking care of, but to be able to look after them, first you have to create for them proper conditions and a suitable environment to settle in. The horse is the one that will start your caretaker challenge. You will have to remove the dirt from the ground, also there is poop everywhere and you need to get rid of it immediately because is smells horrible. Don't neglect the spider web that is spread on each corner, clean the floor and make sure the walls are spotless. One more thing that is left is choosing the right type of food for this horse.
Now you need to look after the cow's stable and do the same as in the previous one. Your steps will be guided along the way and as you can see you will accomplish a different procedure for this animal. There comes the pig home where you need to accommodate with the smell and keeping that in mind create a mud paradise for this little filthy animal. Have fun and try to become a good farmer.
1、九本初期的打鱼配置 【问题】 求大神们的配置,药水之类的。希望能帮助我改善打鱼的条件 【回答】 天空之城_ 金一,屌胖流,8-10胖子,6-8炸,蛮子mm对半,如果有带小偷的习惯可以带20个。药水俩疗伤,俩狂暴,每次出征前保证尽量有这两类药水各一个。 爆怒白羊座 个人习惯胖弓流,12~16个胖子,8~12...