Cave Dash玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Test your skills in this challenging endless runner as you take control of two treasure hunters at the same time! Run through the cave avoiding spikes, bottomless pits, snakes and more, to find treasure and move up the leaderboards!
You control two characters at the same time as they run along a path in the cave. Various hazards will appear along the path, and you must move the characters to avoid them. Gather as much gold as you can get your hands on, because it can be used to buy powerful items that will help you move up the leaderboards.
To toggle which position a character is running in, you tap the side of the screen on which they appear. Tap the left side to move the character on the left, and tap the right side to move the character on the right.
You can purchase items with the gold you collect inside the cave. Items can help you avoid traps or monsters that give you trouble, increase how much gold you find, help you get farther on each run, and more. You can equip two items by default, and a third item slot can be unlocked.
Complete challenges to earn loot boxes that are packed full of gold. Each challenge will reward you with either a Wood, Iron, Gold, or Diamond, loot box. After a loot box is unlocked, the treasure inside is yours!
Cave Dash is a free to play game which relies on Google's Reward Video Ads to help me earn a living. There are no forced ads or IAPs, but you can progress faster if you choose to view the in game ads, and help support a game developer!
I'm not interested in collecting your data or looking at your pictures, so Cave Dash requires the bare minimum to play. I'm sure your cat pictures are cute though!
跑酷游戏紧张刺激、富有技巧的游戏方式深受玩家喜爱,“速度与激情”体现得淋漓尽致。《Glitch Dash》将为我们带来不一样的跑酷体验,一起来了解一下吧!
与许多横版跑酷游戏不同,《Glitch Dash》采用了第一人称视角及立体画面效果,场景非常抽象化,你能看到形似锤子、斧头的障碍物,部分场景中甚至会出现激光。由于游戏采用第一人称视角,所以跑酷过程如同穿越一条奇妙的隧道,前方的障碍难以捉摸...
今天,mixi 宣布了旗下的手游新作《黑骑士冲锋队Dash》(Black Knight Strikers Dash)正式登陆移动平台,作为《黑骑士冲锋队》的加强版,本作将会给玩家带来全新的游戏体验哦!