HiLo Dice玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
The only app where you can MAKE MONEY BY PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, No in-app purchases, No hidden cost, Its 100% Free.
Hi-Lo Dice is the only app where you can MAKE MONEY BY PLAYING FREE VIDEO GAMES!
All you need to do is play Hi-Lo Dice game and collect at least 2000 coins for redeem the coins into PayPal or Paytm cash. The more coins you collect the higher cash amount you will get. The cash amount is paid out through a PayPal or Paytm money transfer.
➤ Game Overview
This game is all about luck and probability where players are faced with a 50/50 chance to win . Players are provided with 2 main buttons to select, buttons are 'Hi' Button and 'Lo' Button. You can press only one button at a time, If you Pressed 'Hi' button then the dice will roll & drop on the board, If upside face of the dice shows the Higher number Than pervious dice number then you will win and you will rewarded one coin Or otherwise if the dice upside face shows Lower number Than previous dice number then you will lose and one heart point will be deducted from your heart balance. You can refill your heart at any time by clicking the heart icon at the top right corner of the game screen.
➤ How To Play
Hi Button:--
If you pressed Hi button then the dice will roll and the dice's upside face reflects higher number than previous dice number, Then you will win. Or if the dice shows lower number then you will Lose.
Lo Button:--
Lo button is behave opposite of Hi Button. If you pressed Lo button then the dice will roll and the dice's upside face reflects lower number than previous dice number, Then you will win. Or if the dice shows higher number then you will Lose.
《守望先锋》从正式上线就热度不止,更是在各种游戏盛典上拿奖拿到手软,在最近的DICE 2017大奖上,《守望先锋》又来刷奖啦!第20届DICE大奖颁奖典礼刚刚结束,对过去一年中优秀的游戏作品和游戏人进行鼓励。在拉斯维加斯举行的典礼上,《守望先锋》击败同获提名的《战地》《神秘海域4》《Inside》和《精灵宝可梦Go》,夺得了年度游戏。
《骰子魔法师Dice Mage》没有真刀真枪,决定玩家命运的只有一场场捉摸不定的、实力与运气兼具的骰子赌局。
画 面简单像素风,关卡为浮空的岛屿
音 乐幽默诙谐,相对比较紧凑
操 作一只手指便可操作
费 用免费 评分:8.0
随着2018年的到来,众多游戏厂商已经进入到了新的游戏开发阶段,DICE最近就发布了一则招聘广告,明确表示是为一款《战地》新作寻找高级制作人(Senior Producer)。
招聘中显示,这位高级制作人将成为《战地》新作项目的主要负责人,并向执行制作人(franchise Executive Producer)汇报项目进展。而DICE对这一职位的要求也是非常严格的,应聘者需要有6年以上的...