Dual Hole Fit Jump The Spinner Until You Fit玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Dual Hole Fit is an endless survival game where you have to pass a spinning pair of balls through the holes in obstacles.
The constantly spinning balls are automatically falling down and you tap to make them jump back again and again until they are in the proper orientation to fit through the holes. The game is procedurally generated and it means that you will never stuck at the same point - after each respawn you will start a new path.
Main features:
★ A hyper-casual game for one finger
★ Short game sessions
★ Chilling out music
★ Procedurally generated levels - never get bored from the same path
► You can jump as many times as you wish, no need to hurry if you are not sure that the spinner will pass through
► Don't jump too high, otherwise the balls may collide with an obstacle above
► Spinner rotates with a constant speed, however you may control its vertical speed by jumping higher
You collect stars as you move down the path and you can spend these stars on new jumping ball spinner designs.
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