VR Mission Mars Expedition (Google Cardboard)玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
VR Mission Mars Expedition is a space exploration journey ride on planet Mars. Enjoy a space relaxation thrill ride on the suce of Mars. There is a lot of sand storms and a deserted space station in there. You can also find martians running around. Become a space astronaut, enjoy the beautiful land of Mars and explore our solar system.
You don't need any joypad to play our game. Game works with all Google Cardboard based VR glasses.
• supports all Google Cardboard based VR Headsets
• no touch controls needed
• ooth joy ride
• animated martians (aliens)
• dark/horror background music
Note: This app requires a VR headset for best results.
If you like our space rollercoaster, please give it a rate and a review.
雷霆游戏宣布,旗下地牢探索手机游戏《地下城堡2:暗潮》已于昨(26)日起在台湾、香港、澳门地区的Google Play正式上线。
《地下城堡2:暗潮》的故事是在《地下城堡 I:炼金术士的奇幻之旅》很久之后发生的。在1中,玩家领导着放逐者军团,经历惨烈的战争打败了暗月神。而在《暗潮》中,从冒险者出生时起,世界就被迷雾笼罩了。