Sabra | صَبرة
أنت بذرة صبّار تحاول البقاء على قيد الحياة. ابتعد عن النار و الحفر وحاول جمع الشمس في النهار و الماء في الليل لتحصل على النمو الكامل في أقل أيّام ممكنة. ملاحظة: انتبه للوقت |
You're a tiny cactus trying to survive the environment around you, collect as much sun and water as possible to be a full grown plant in the least number of days. Avoid the fire and holes. Keep an eye on the timer for day and night!
You are a cactus seed trying to survive. Keep away from fire and digging and try to collect the sun in daytime and water at night to get full growth in as few days as possible. Note: Watch out for time
You're a tiny cactus trying to survive the environment around you, collect as much sun and water as possible to be a full grown plant in the least number of days. Avoid the fire and holes. Keep an eye on the timer for day and night!