Baby Fox Care玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Hey girls. You can play a newborn baby game today with a cute fox mommy. She needs your company because there are many things to do and mommy is very nervous about giving birth she can't do it alone. Start the game and help mommy pack her things and go to the hospital. Next follow the instruction and check mommy's and baby's health to make sure that everything is all right. Be there when mommy fox gives birth and take the newborn baby fox and descover all the activities you should complete.
First of all take the measuresment, then change baby's diaper and give him toys to make him be happy all the time. Go on and take the baby in the bathroom and wash him carefully with special shampoo. There are more activities so prove that you are a good baby sitter who loves baby and knows how to treat them well. Complete the game and be the best.
Have fun and enjoy this newborn baby care game!
1、 武将翼化系统
进阶一阶所需材料: 翅膀之魂x50、对应武将奶嘴碎片x150、金钱x100万
进阶二阶所需材料: 翅膀之魂x150、对应武将奶嘴碎片x300、金钱x250万
进阶三阶所需材料: 翅膀之魂x300、对应武将奶嘴碎片x600、金钱x500万
今年新年,你是打算和小伙伴们一起狂欢到黎明,还是像平时一样宅在家中守候空虚? 我想应该有很多小伙伴跟我一样,每天都有忙不完的事情,难得拥有一次能让人放松的假期,而此刻新年的假期来了,都说新年新气象,每年都要有一个新颖的开端。所以我希望能在新年假期营造一个属于自己的空间,像众多小伙伴们一样,宅在家中,不是守候空虚,而是玩玩自己代言的《无...
第四期《AngelaBaby的“无敌唤灵”游戏成长日记》来了,这次的主题是《比,招!之Angelababy升级之路》。Angelababy公主在竞技场被Jack欺负之后,她决定加班加点练级,争取早日到40级后,在竞技场击败Jack,所以她开始了废寝忘食的练级历程。升级,Let’s go!比,招的战斗即将打响!...