Learning Educational Games for Kids玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Learn the alphabet & numbers is an educational game to learn english alphabet from A to Z and numbers 0-9. Learn how to read and write, and many more games for fun learning and gaining knowledge.
You will learn:
* Listening and pronounce the letters and numbers.
* Learn to trace the letters and numbers with alphabet tracing game.
* Learn and remember each letter and number.
* Brain and memory training with memory matching game.
* Learn to pair relationships with line matching game.
* Learn to ordering with dot to dot connect game.
* Develop attention span, fine motor skills, creativity and imagination with coloring game.
With this our 6 games it can help you start to learn the basic alphabet read and write skills.
Now supported for 2 language to learn the alphabet (Thai and English) you can choose to play in the game.
Download and play now to train your alphabet skills, let your free time be more knowledge!
Rate and comment if it is your favorite, after you have played it, for better development.
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