ARVidhya - Augmented Reality Alphabets App玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Note: The App is not yet available for Tablet. Soon coming in new update.
Download free ARVidhya - Augmented Reality Alphabets App to transform traditional books based rot learning method into interactive cognitive based family learning experience. Experience 3D virtual contents coming live into your real world which would give you a remembering and fun learning experience. This app helps develop cognitive, creativity, imagination and vocabulary of your child in very quick and easy way, so they could progress and excel in studies and excel in their class.
Inside the app-
1. 3D animated contents in Augmented Reality.
2. Mix of different characters from Animals, Vehicle, objects etc.
3. Listen to the Phonic sound of each letter and words.
4. Informative voice over audio for each character, Example, sound of animals, sounds of vechicles.
5. Touch to animate the characters.
6. Touch the cards for phonics.
7. Two-finger rotation
7. Two-finger scale
9. Share the contents with your friends with photo.
Download the demo card images using URL and
Go to the Try Demo section of app and see these images through the App and enjoy the Augmented Reality 3D contents coming to life.
To enjoy all 30 cards, stay in touch with our website for the official launch.
Please ensure that you are connected to Internet while using the app.
Works best in ambient light for better tracking of the cards.
Hold the camera in a steady and straight position, making sure that the it is just close enough to align the corners of the cards with the corners in camera feed.
Allow the app a few seconds to recognize the cards.
Lastly, have patience in starting. It takes time to enter into the Augmented Reality world.
Happy Learning!!
关于Strike Team的手机APP,IOS设备App store国区暂时还未上线,有国外apple id的可以去其他区下载。安卓可以在Google Play找到。
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另外对于那些暂时还未进入游戏的,这个Strike Team的进度是会保存到你进入游戏里时的。意思就是那些等发...
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