Jojo Siwa Fake call玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Jojo Siwa is already waiting for you, Download the best calling simulator game now!
Want your friends think you are getting call from Joelle Joanie Siwa? Download fake and real call from Jojo Siwa, and simulate fake calls by one click and make fun with your friends.
You can now fun with your friends and receive video call from Jojo.
Do you want to prank your friends ?
* beautiful, stunning and ooth graphics
* you can specify caller number phone and name Fake caller.
* best user experience make it the best FakeCall call app from Jojo.
* FREE to download and use. No need to spend money to prank your friends and family.
Jojo Siwa is calling you on phone video call, Download the app for free and start talking to Joelle Joanie Siwa now!
Let's get this real Jojo Siwa fake call simulator game now! And amaze your friends by receiving fake calls from Jojo Siwa.
*** Disclamer / Notice ***
- This is not an Official App, this app just made by fans.
双生天使降临 刘亦菲助阵打Call
活动时间:2018-05-15 10:36:37 至 2018-05-20 23:59:50
《剑指江湖》,以动荡年代为背景,讲述一场乱世江湖的恩怨情仇。金銮城下聚集天下英豪,阵营联合,对抗敌阵,武道争霸,决出天下霸主!青春武侠风暴席卷江湖,结拜好友快乐游戏,盛世情缘为红颜!战骑、灵宠、法器、神兵、神羽等丰富的武林高手成长途径,炫酷时装彰显尊贵身份,赋予每个侠客独特的个人风格。 现...