Play Checkers Online无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Checkers also called Draughts is a well-known classic strategy board game played by two players on a square 8×8 gameboard. The game has two modes; the Standard and Giveaway modes and you play online against other players around the world in real-time
Game Features
--8×8 board size (24 pieces)
--Play online against other players around the world in real-time
--Invite friends to play a match online
-- Display Online profile to include your global ranking and level
--Chat real-time during online game
--Discover opponent ranking and level
--I Record your game, watch and share with your friends
--Three levels of competitive AI
--Two game modes; standard & giveaway
--Rules selection and customization
--Four rules option: mandatory capture, flying king, king eat first & backward jump
--Undo in-game capability
--Non-intrusive ads
今日,任天堂手机游戏《火焰纹章:英雄》正式开启Google Play预约,玩家在预约后等到游戏2月2日正式上市时便能接到提醒,但游戏目前不支持中文。
11月12日-13日厦门国际酷玩娱乐节(COOL PLAY)上,175游戏举办的“We Play VR电竞争霸赛”吸引各路英雄争相参与,《VR实战》、《黑盾》、《步枪速射》相继上演激烈对战,现场气氛火爆。