Preschool Learning Game无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Preschool learning game is an across the board and all-in-one application for preschool and kindergarten kids
There are 8 distinctive painstakingly made classes:
- Preschool learning game Numbers category : Pre-K children will learn numbers up to twenty and practice them well with the sound of each number .
- Preschool learning game ABC Letter category : Your kid will learn all uppercase letters from A to Z alphabetically and their spellings .
- Preschool learning game Hues and shapes category : your Little children will learn fundamental hues and shapes like circle , oval ,pentagon , rectangle , triangle and more basic shapes with this category , your kid will be able to trace them in a paper using a crayon early before joining school !
- Preschool learning game animals category : Your baby will learn names of zoo and circus animals and their sounds like Elephants trumpet , lions and jaguars growl , dogs bark , goats bleat , ox and more , i'm sure your kid will giggle when he will hear them !
- Preschool learning game birds category : your daycare baby will learn birds names and their phonics like Pigeons coo , Crows caw , and more birds , it will encourage your kid to learn them fast !
- Preschool learning game vehicles : your baby or kid will learn vehicles names like submarine , boat , and more vehicles ...
- Preschool learning game colours : your kid will learn basic colours , sky blue color , green color , and more ...
- Preschool learning game flags : Your children will learn flags name using their phonics and their pics !
What are you waiting for ? download our app so your kid will be able to learn all these classes and surprise his granny and family !
台湾微软表示,为持续丰富 Xbox Game Pass 的游戏库,让玩家能以最划算优惠的方式畅玩热门游戏大作,除近期的 《除暴战警 3》、《古墓奇兵:暗影》…等强款作品上架,Xbox 公布新一波 Xbox Game Pass 游戏名单,现已加入另 4 款热门作品,保证让玩家大呼过瘾。
2月份「Xbox Game Pass」新增4款免费游戏
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