Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande - Piano无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Always wanted to play your favorite song on piano but couldn't get around to do it! We are here to help with our brand new piano game!
Your favorite song is here at your fingertips, simply enjoy the game by taping on black tiles and trying to match the music beat!
It gets harder with time so pay attention!
This game is not an official app. There is no copyrighted material, everything we make is done by us including the piano music!
随着游戏行业的迅猛发张,国内游戏开发也取得了长足的进步,各种国产独立游戏如雨后春笋般涌现出来,甚至走向了世界!近日,由中国独立游戏开发者Wish Fang打造的解谜类游戏《I and Me》正式上架任天堂Switch平台。由中国indienova与西班牙Ratalaika Games、日本Rainy Frog联合发行,价格为10欧元/10美元/1000日元。
《I and Me》于16年5月...