Geeky and Clicky are back in this refreshed adventure. Collect the batteries to get different skills while you escape Geeky. Use new skins and discover the two new maps, take on the Event Mode to unlock unique skins.
Content :
- 6 unique stages
- 10 unique skins for Clicky
- The Event Mode
- An online ranking
- An increasing difficulty and runs that are always different
《Geeky And Clicky无法安装怎么办》下载版本说明
《Geeky And Clicky无法安装怎么办》如果碰到下载了Geeky And Clicky游戏无法安装怎么办,小编有个常用的方法与大家分享下。先检查一下下载的安装包大小,是否与九游提供的Geeky And Clicky安装包大小一致,以免下载的安装包由于网络原因不完整。这个好解决,删掉安装包,重新上九游下载一个,再进行安装,就可以解决问题了。