Trivia Educational Games For Kids无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Kids Educational Games -
App is one of the most complete English Learning Kit and Free Kids Educational Games .
By playing this game you can also achieve the following skills:
- Increase the skills of children in terms of memory, concentration and knowledge development.
- The game is adapted to be easy to use.
- It is designed as an intece tool especially for preschoolers and kids.
· Right brain training, suitable for graphical right brain training. The brain develops observation, cognitive skills, concentration, memory, creativity and imagination.
· Improve the response and coordination of the brain and body. Run visual skills to observe moving objects.
· Simple and convenient, easy to use. Suitable for children, adults, family and friends to play with. Very comfortable to use.
· Improve children's memory capacity and concentration skills. Improve children's cognitive skills and improve their level of education.
· It can also be used as the best educational tool for children at the same time. In children, the brain helps to observe by training cognitive, concentration, memory, creativity and imagination. Speed and coordination of brain and hand reaction. Run visual skills to observe moving objects.
• Self-learning (tutorial)
• Application includes cartoon characters, animals, cars, toys, planes, flowers and many more!
Game Content
All you have to do is answer the questions and pictures correctly
and collect the most points.
New questions and chapters will come up in every update.
6 different games
7 different languages
Learn 7 different languages for kids
Learn English
Learn German
Learn French
Learn Spanish
Learn Russian
Learn Turkish
Learn Portuguese
We wish good fun.
Invite your friends to this amazing game and they are a partner for entertainment. Test your knowledge and help each other!
Note: In each update, new sections are added. If the character or question you are looking for is not available in the application, you can request the chapter through the application and add the character or problem.
You can email your copyright or for the sections you wish to remove.
近日,Miracle Games正式宣布与新动集团正式达成战略合作,双方将在Win10跨终端展开多方合作。
新动集团拥有中国最大线下手游运营平台,以线下媒体网络为依托,发展手游平台及手机游戏运营。2016年新动集团全力打造的手游巨作——《鬼吹灯3D》MMORPG旷世登场。新动集团还将打造更多的手游产品,以每年2-3款的大作频率导引手游市场。而本次与Miracle Games 合作也...
Miracle Games代理发行《不良人2》UWP版本即将登陆微软商店,100%还原动漫的游戏大作,为大家勾画原汁原味的不良人江湖。在《不良人》UWP版本上线前,就让小编先带大家来详细盘点一下游戏的特色。