Wishing Pixies Child & Chore Management无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Make emotional intelligence a part of your child's morning routine with one of the best apps for preschoolers on Android devices! Wishing Pixies is the only child management and educational behavioral app designed to help parents raise calm, emotionally resilient and kindhearted children.
Created by a teacher with over 20 years of experience in education, Wishing Pixies engages children with two magical pixie characters, Cailin and Gasur, that the child must nurture, allowing children to express their desires and emotions creatively. The backstory revolves around pixies forced to leave their planet. On Earth, families adopt them and the children take care of them.
Parents interact as the Pixie, creating magical playtime where the child can learn valuable lessons.
Wishing Pixies also functions as a chore chart, allowing parents to manage chores for children. The website allows parents to reward children with Pixie dust when they do well.
Wishing Pixies was created with the intent of helping parents raise a child that is developmentally and socially strong, emotionally resilient, calm, and kindhearted.
As a parent, using the Wishing Pixies app is easy. Simply create a parent account on our website: https://www.wishingpixies.com. From the website, parents can enact the following functions:
o Assign tasks with pixie dust rewards
o Approve wishes and assign required pixie dust values in order for them to be granted
o Send chat messages to the child as the pixie
o Manage Affirmations for the child to repeat to build confidence
Wishing Pixies engages children with multiple game modes, including clean-up and gardening, while incorporating multiple exercises for building emotional intelligence, such as personal affirmations, and kids meditation.
The Wishing Pixies Chore App features:
o Clean Up game
o Gardening game
o Kids meditation
o Tasks with rewards for chore management
o Make-A-Wish with the parent granting wishes as the Pixie
o Sing-Along
o Use with the Wishing Pixies Doll to bring the experience from the smartphone/tablet to the real world!
据悉,此次改编的游戏《Destiny Child 命运之子》从2016年10月推出以来就大受欢迎。游戏中,不但收录了包括金亨泰在内众多人气画师为登场角色制作的精美卡牌插画图,还加入了丰富的故事以及充满魅力的人物角色和玩法要素。
此次动画化,动画监督将由福田道生担纲,角色设计部分则是新井浩一以及横山爱操刀,脚本为曾担任过《轻松百合》、《Love Live!》等动画编剧的子安秀明负责。动画描述的...
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从本次的试玩视频来看,游戏的 UI 界面与去年公布的版本有大幅的变化,在本次的版本中,界面变的更趋向于一般的卡牌游戏。而主打的 live2D 技术也在游戏中得到很好的表现,各个角色施放技能...