Cat de bine cunosti marcile si modelurile auto?无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
In acest joc de cuvinte iti sunt afisate diferite marci si modele de autovehicule, iar tu trebuie sa ghicesti modelul, respectiv marca. Este un joc interactiv special pentru cei pasionati de autovehicule.
In this word game you are shown different brands and models of cars, and you have to guess the model, respectively the brand. It is an interactive game especially for those passionate about cars.
《De Mambo》Switch版在今天正式上线任天堂e商店,定价1500日元(90人民币)。《De Mambo》是一款2D合作对战动作游戏,玩家的目标是将对手撞到屏幕以外。喜欢动作游戏的玩家不要错过哦!
《De Mambo》是最大4人同时游玩的多人对战类动作游戏,画面清新,规则简单,玩家将化身名为《Mambo》的智慧生命体,于其他玩家扮演的《Mambo》展开对战,直到把其他玩家全部驱逐出游...