Pretend Play Alps Life: Home Town Vacation Games无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Welcome to Pretend Play Alps Life game a whole new world of wonders and adventures. Explore many scenarios and view on the alps mountain range. Perform bundles of creative and entertaining activities at hotel resort, forest camping, town mall and snow ski site. The most unique thing in this doll city is that you only can transport through cable car. Getting bore! Well join the most exciting and amazing role playing game for interesting and entertaining journey of self-defined game play on the home city.
Create your own pretend story in the fun play world by traveling through the town to different picnic spots and shopping malls. Pick your room in the hotel and decorate it like your own dollhouse. Play music instruments, decorate tree, open gift boxes for surprise and play with interactive stuff. In bedroom there is a closet full of designer dresses, you can dress up my imaginary character as you like. Clean up toilet, arrange & manage stuff to keep the hotel room as clean as your home.
Reach the fairy lake with cable car to create a fun story. Build a camp near the jungle and gather woods from there to make fire. Ride the boat and take your fishing rod along. Catch the fishes to cook them on the fire. Shop warm clothes and dress from shopping mall. You can also buy snow ski and skating shoes from the supermarket. Then explore the mountains and forest for interactive stuff and play with it. You can also enjoy the ski on the snow mountains. Make igloo and snow house in the frozen area. Color the castle igloo with your favorite colors. Throw snow balls at your friends and family characters.
Play the pretend my scenarios as you like. Pretend play alps life is the best self-defined game. People with autism and autistic nature will specially love this. Enjoy the nature, fairy lake and cold forest with this pretend games for boys and girls.
- A big family of characters.
- Move through the snow city on cable car.
- Explore fairy lake, forest camping and hotel.
- Buy stuff from shopping mall.
- Enjoy snow ski on the mountains.
- Create self-defined story.
- A world full of creative learning activities.
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505 Games是隶属于意大利最大的游戏经销商Digital Bros集团下的电子游戏发行商和开发商,自2006年成立以来,发行过《泰拉瑞亚(Terraria)》、《PAYDAY 2(收获日2)》、《神力科沙》、《ABZU》、《传送门骑士》、《火星记忆》等,作为在欧美市场中不可忽视的重要游戏发行商之一,近年来505 Games也逐渐走进中国玩家的视野中。