Ultimate St Valentine's Day Quiz无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14 and is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world.
How much do you know about this special day?
Test your knowledge about St. Valentine's day in our Ultimate St. Valentine's Day Quiz!
✓ 2 game modes - Relax and Time Attack
✓ Includes a lot of interesting questions and information about St. Valentine's Day
✓ Submit and share your score and challenge other people from all around the world
✓ Simple to play - no need to read instructions
✓ Free to play with all features unlocked
✓ More quizzes you finish, better overall score you get
Have fun with our Ultimate St. Valentine's Day Quiz and if you like the game, please rate it, it helps us a lot in adding new features.
Thank you and have fun!
Support links:
✓ email: littlebigplay@gmail.com
✓ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlebigplay
堪称电竞信仰朝圣日的ROG Day于12月16日在中国电影导演中心成功举办。这场电竞圈的盛事,再一次引爆广大ROG粉丝们的热血与激情,也让前来朝圣的玩家们不虚此行,除了能零距离接触Faker大魔王等电竞圈大神,亲身感受ROG电竞硬件的巅峰实力也让信仰粉大呼过瘾。
ROG Day玩家盛宴:Faker大显身手 ROG电竞主板更强更炫
ROG Day现场
本届ROG Day可谓格外的精彩:有《英雄...
近日杰仕登宣布,由《逝血之战(Melty Blood)》系列开发商FRENCH-BREAD和《苍翼默示录》系列开发商Arc System Works联手打造的新视觉小说风2D对战格斗游戏《夜下降生 Exe: Late[st]》,将于2月8日在亚洲地区发售繁体中文版,并且实体预约版将会赠送超豪华预购特典。