EE Earth Evolution无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Universe is the crazy and chaotic place and our earth survive millions of years in it.
This game will make you experience the crazy part of the universe. Otherwise it will be boring.
The survival of the earth is depends upon you, more you unlock the stage the earth will become more habitable.
Game Play:
All you have to do is reach to the end portal. Easy!
-- Present earth is in the space and time paradox to make it habitable clear all the stages and portal to the new earth.
-- Experience the earth past.
-- Traveling in the universe is not easy other celestial bodies will hunt you down.
-- All life is carbon based. so collect all carbon diamonds to increase you life.
-- Minerals and other elements will play equal role in your daily progress.
-- Unlock shields to save yourself from celestial bodies.
7月10日消息,泰国独立团队Pixel Perfex旗下游戏作品《Earth Atlantis》(“地球亚特兰蒂斯”),将于今年7月11日在全球IOS手机平台上架,预计定价4.99美元。
《Earth Atlantis》的故事背景发生在21世纪末“大气候灾变”之后,那时的地球表面96%区域都被海水淹没,海洋生物,如巨鲨、大章鱼等因与机器的融合,变异成为一种极具攻击性的物种,攻击力度比人类强大...
Last Day on Earth前期该怎么玩?Last Day on Earth在前期有非常多的玩法技巧,很多小伙伴们一直到后面才发现前面有很多事情没有做,导致后面不好办,下面是小编为各位小伙伴们带来的Last Day on Earth前期玩法技巧操作及注意事项,一起来看下吧!
Last Day on Earth前期攻略
1级危险地,也就是绿色,2级就是黄色,3级是红色 在3级险地我防御...