PickSimilar is not just a game, it is a scientific gadget for exercise of your brain and sight. In daily life, PickSimilar helps you to understand patterns, observe environment and identify colors more efficiently and precisely. 20 minutes daily play is enough for enhancement of your understanding and problem-solving skills. Crucially, it will change your temperament and you will become a Phlegmatic person after some time of regular exercise with this gadget.
Aristotle died because no one continues his practices. Your daily exercise may keep Aristotle alive.
How to play
There is a picture, three Bounding Boxes and three Display Boxes on the game screen. In the given picture there are three similarities having the same size as Bounding Box. Find them and place the Bounding Box on these similarities by dragging them one by one. The Bounding Boxes snap the picture grid. The Display Box displays the section of picture where each Bounding Box is placed. Bounding Boxes cannot be overlapped in any case. Whenever all Display Boxes have similar picture in it, the puzzle will be solved.