Unicorn Farm Raise Unicorns & Farm Harvest无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Hey! A tough day? Never mind, let’s have a unicorn farm journey to raise your own unicorns and run your unicorn farm with so many farm activities. Enjoy the farm harvest.
- Nurture and raise a wide variety of adorable unicorns.
- Clean the stable for the unicorns.
- Turn to the farm doctor to give the unicorns a daily check and care.
- Plant and Harvest farm fresh crops of carrots & unicorn flowers.
- Dress up the unicorns with so many beautiful decorations.
- Take care of the unicorns when she is pregnant.
- Unlock more farm activities with friends.
Game Features:
CULTIVATE amazing crops
FEED farm animals
ACCOMPLISH challenges
DECOR your farmland and unicorns
1、九本初期的打鱼配置 【问题】 求大神们的配置,药水之类的。希望能帮助我改善打鱼的条件 【回答】 天空之城_ 金一,屌胖流,8-10胖子,6-8炸,蛮子mm对半,如果有带小偷的习惯可以带20个。药水俩疗伤,俩狂暴,每次出征前保证尽量有这两类药水各一个。 爆怒白羊座 个人习惯胖弓流,12~16个胖子,8~12...
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Little Farm礼包怎么免费领取呢?现在...