Alima's Baby 2 Baby Pet无法打开游戏攻略
The second Alima's Baby has to be attended as if he was your own real baby. His responsive body changes as you feed him and gestures will change as well according to his happiness, health, and hungry, in an environment designed with colorful 3D realistic graphics.
Feed your baby, play, bathe the baby, put your baby to sleep. Newborns need to rest! Take care of your baby and the little one will grow strong and healthy, but beware! if the baby cries or coughs it might be sick and needing medicine!
Make sure the baby takes a bottle of milk when it’s time, but be careful !! your baby can get skinny or fat depending on how much you feed it.
If you take care of your baby properly, you will be rewarded with golden stars. Save them and you can buy clothes, toys, food... you will have the happiest baby in the world! play with your baby and watch it grow!
2016开年巨献,《神庙逃亡2》迎来史上最重磅更新!超人气综艺节目《奔跑吧兄弟3》 鹿晗、Angelababy、邓超、郑恺、李晨、王祖蓝和陈赫七位明星形象全部植入游戏,另有“撕名牌大战”、“铃铛人”等精彩玩法诚意加入。《神庙逃亡2》全新跑男迎春版上线,在冰天雪地里尽情开撕吧!
【新春约跑 跑男兄弟贺新年】