Metal Detector无法打开游戏攻略
Application The metal detector requires a magnetic sensor (magnetometer). If this application does not work properly, please check the specifications of the phone.
The metal detector is a tool for searching metals using an integrated magnetic sensor. The level of the magnetic field (EMF) in nature is about 49μT (micro tesla) or 490 mg (mGs); 1μT = 10 mg. The presence of metals in the sensitivity zone of the sensor can increase this value. Among other things, it can be useful in finding electrical wires in the walls and metal in the ground.
Using a metal detector is very simple, you just need to run this application on your mobile device and move it around. You will see that the level of the magnetic field displayed on the screen is constantly changing. Colorful lines represent three dimensions, and the number at the top shows the value of the magnetic field level (EMF). Thats all.
The accuracy of the meteorodetector depends entirely on the type of your mobile device. The magnetic sensor responds to electronic devices (televisions, computers), because they emit electromagnetic waves. Please do not blame the application for this.
A metal detector can not detect gold, silver, or coins made with copper. They are classified as non-ferrous metals that do not have a magnetic field.
Try this useful metal detector!
- Detection of metals around the phone through a magnetic field
- Alarm activation when the magnetic field crosses the boundary
- Settings for alarm limit, audible alarm and vibration
Attention! Not every artphone model has a magnetic field sensor. If your device does not have it, the application will not work. Sorry for these inconveniences.
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