Actros Real Truck Simulator无法打开游戏攻略
Among the truck simulation games we published the game with the best quality and the real features.
Inspired by the real truck and truck physics, this game will give you fun and excitement minutes with a very satisfying truck driving atmosphere.
Our Real Truck Simulator game has a large playground. The factories, the ports, the towns ... The wide roads that connect them all together ...
By choosing trailers of your choice, you will be prompted to reach the region to be delivered as soon as possible, and you will travel different points in each section.
Game General Features;
-Real Truck model and lamp systems (signal, long light, short light, 3 different air horns, air braking systems, retarder system and sound effects.)
-4 Different trailer model (1 dozer load trailer, 2 dozer load trailer, gasoline tanker, car carrier trailer.)
-Different places in HD (Fabrics, ports, warehouses, motorways, towns ...)
-Real diesel engine sound effects.
- Truck internal driving mode with different driving angles.
- Different tasks and departments.
- Truck trucks modified (front bumpers, exhausts, ceiling lights, horn accessories.)
-Real truck Truck physics.
! Attention Required;
*** First of all, after starting the game, you have to select the game graphic quality setting according to the performance of the device from the upper left corner of the screen.
*** When playing the game, pay attention to the details given on the task screen at the first entry, and information about road routes is given. It gives you information about the plates you need to follow.
*** Never leave the gas when going downhill, you can stay on the ramp because the truck carries heavy loads. It is very difficult to get back up.
Try to come straight again and get up early.
*** Trucks in some parts You will need to track trucks, follow these leading trucks. Never hit me.
We already have good games as TKS GAMES.
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Food Truck Pup攻略
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