Friends Gem for kakao无法打开游戏攻略
The new adventure begins right now!
Let’s explore the mysterious gemstones with Kakao Friends!
Put out the swirling flames by making water path and escape with Apeach!
Turn the reflector to light up the gemstone.
Help Tube find its shoe to continue the adventure.
Complete the map and find out the Friends’ ruins to get precious treasures!
Different Friends will help you clear the match-3 puzzle stages!
Enter the world of Friends Gem and enjoy!
“All about Friends Gem!”
First, complete the map by exploring!
Clear stages to reveal the map
and find out the different concepts of the world.
Second, discover the hidden ruins!
As you clear out the stages you will be able to find out
the various ruins that have the face of the Friends.
Moreover, explore the ruins and get precious treasures!
Third, collect all the unique costumes!
Including Expedition, Sweet, Candy, Cookie, Jelly, Ice cream costumes you can find all kinds of costumes!
These costumes will help you clear stages much easier!
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
原作《食人鲨进化版》是一款开放性很强的海底探险游戏,玩家扮演一条饥饿的大鲨鱼四处觅食,通过不断地进食来维持自己的生命值。一边寻找食物一边探索广阔且未知的海底世界,使游戏充满紧张感。NEXON 在维持原作特点的基础上,结合 kakao 平台的社交长处,加入了许多互动元素,可以和好友合作捕食,也可以互相竞争。小编不得不感想,现在连凶猛的食人鲨都要来卖萌了,这节操都掉哪了!
7月9日九游独家爆料,一手爆料,尽在九游。格斗手机游戏《拳皇M For Kakao》于2014年7月4日在韩国正式发行了安卓版,iOS版则将于日后来临。
《拳皇M For Kakao》是《拳皇》系列手游最新作,3对3的格斗对战让玩家们通过简单易上手的操作便能体验到游戏的极致乐趣。在游戏中,玩家可以编制属于自己的强劲队伍,培育和强化角色能力,进行单人模式战斗或者WI-FI连线模式对战。
前几天小编为各位介绍过的音乐节奏卡牌手游《英雄之歌for kakao》(영웅의 노래 for Kakao)昨日正式登陆安卓平台。
《英雄之歌for kakao》可以说是一种新式的、多元化的手机游戏,在这款游戏中的众多元素,我们在其他手游中多有所涉及,《英雄之歌for kakao》包含了音乐节奏、卡牌、RPG等多种玩法模式,玩家在游戏中通过卡牌收集来获得强力的怪物,然后再利用音乐节奏的方式来...